Ohhh Yeah
I Feel like I’m going out of
My mind,
Boy the way you do me is a
damn crime,
But then you smile at me
and its all right,
With you there aint nothin' in between,
Every time that I walk out the door,
Tell myself I can't take it no more,
There’s a part of me won't let you go
Keep saying yes when my minds saying no,
Me and my heart we got issues,
Don’t know if I should hate you or miss you,
Damn, I wish that I could resist you,
Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you.
Me and my heart we got issues, issues, issues.
We got issues, issues, issues.
Its so wrong, boy you leave me hangin' for so long,
You empty out my love until its all gone,
You change the words but still it's the same song,
I’m tired of the melody.
Change my number and throw out your clothes,
But my feelings for you, it still shows,
I keep building the walls round my heart,
But then I see you, and it all falls apart...
Me and my heart we got issues,
Don’t know if I should hate you or miss you,
Damn, I wish that I could resist you,
Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you.
Me and my heart we got issues, issues, issues.
We got issues, issues, issues.
Why fight it, cant hide it
Truth is I think I like it,
Confusion, illusions
Still I don’t know which way to go….
Chorus: (x2)
Me and my heart we got issues,
Don’t know if I should hate you or miss you,
Damn, I wish that I could resist you,
Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you.
Me and my heart we got issues, issues, issues.
We got issues, issues, issues.
Me and my heart we got issues, issues, issues
We got issues, issues, issues,
We got issues, issues, issues
We got issues, issues, issues
Me and my heart we got issues
Don’t know whether I should hate you or miss you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Addicted to this song..Issues by The Saturdays..
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Last night kami sekeluarga berbuke di Legacy Hotel, Melaka..Malas nk cite pnjg...tgk jela gambo2 nie...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New layout....berbuke puasa meal...
Selepas penat mencari layout yang best n menarik..
akhirnye hati ini tertarik dgn layout birdie nie...
sangat suke..
simple n cute...
ok lah ni..
Next story....my mom sekrang de buat business berbuke puase meal del
ivery...mcm mcd ah..hehe..homecook food..nasi,2 lauk n 1 dessert for only rm 5...hehe...gmbr di bawah ialah meal pd tarikh 25 ogos lepas...

Focus group ialah students di kawasan bandar melaka...kalo de sape2 yg interested,sile email saye..n then i'll tell u the menu...
p/s: ini email saye..ili_kmm11@yahoo.com
Saturday, August 22, 2009
New DSLR!!!
Dapat juge aku camera dslr..
sudah lame ku impikan..
pada 22 ogos 2009 kul 12 tgh hari impian ini menjadi kenyataan..hehe
Terime kaseh pada ayah ku aka en.mahadi abd. talib...
I'm now the proud owner of DSLR Sony Alpha a230...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ari nie first day puase....aku baru je laps sahur nie...for the past 2 weeks aku tersgt le bz..huhu...14 aug smpai 18 aug ari tuh de pre depature briefing di kajang...penginapan sgt best tp byk gle taklimat..huhu..smpai tertido2...taklimat mas n rhb yang paling best ah..time taklimat rhb dpat travellers check..hehe..sgt gembire...kaya tuh...pastuh..19 aug de majlis induksi n makan malam pelajar2 baru ke uk n ireland...di situ la aku face 2 face dgn dr faiz...hehehe...siap mkn 1 meja tuh..nervous gle time mkn...dpt la gak peluang amek gmbr brdue dgn die...malas nk upload photo...
sekarang nie tgh survey camera dslr..mcm nk bli sony alpha a230 atau a330...tk sure lg..huhu...maybe nk bli dgn ayah today..tp tgk2 dlu kot...no rush pn tp hati nie dh melonjak2 suh bli skrg gak..hehehe..
tggl lg 23 hari je tuk say bye2 malaysia n hello uk...huhu...perasaan bercampur baur...sdey,excited,nervous...huh..sdey nk tgglkn family..excited nk g negare owg...n nervous tuk idop di sana jauh dr family..tk pnah duk jauh dr family aku...huhu..t rindu kt adeq2...masakan mama...rindu kt ayah...huhu....
huhu..that's all for today's entry...akan rajin mengupdate blog ini..huhu
Kawan2...Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Ogos menjelang and tagged by zam...
yah....dh bulan 8 dh..cepatnye...huhu..bulan nie strt pose...pastu raye...huh!!tp raye thn nie bukan di malaysia...kne raye di tempat owg..huhu..sedey2..tkpela..aku g sane tuk nk blaja...ok..entry kali nie tuk nk jwb tag..aku telah ditag oleh zam..hehe...here we go..

Nama: Ilidina Binti Mahadi
Nama Pangilan : ili or nina
Tarikh lahir : 26 April 1988
tempat lahir : Hospital Sultanah Aminah JB
Status : status tak dapat dikenal pasti..hehe
Hobi : membaca...mendengar muzik...melayari internet...
Makanan kegemaran : suka makan masakan mama saya
Minuman kegemaran : banyak sangat la
Cita- cita : Saya dulu ingin menjadi seorang pilot atau pun seorang akauntan...tp sekarang saya sedang belaja untuk menjadi seorang guru..hehe..ayat sangat skema..
pengalaman buruk : semasa saya tingkatan 5, saya jatuh tersungkur di depan penonton yang ramai ketika berlari dalam acara 4x100m..sangat malu n bersalah kerana buat team saya kalah..huhu
Pengalaman manis : banyak sangat...
Perkara yang disukai :banyak perkara yang saya suka..
Perkara yang tak disukai : menunggu....
adakah anda berpuas hati dengan apa yang anda ada? : ya..saya bersyukur dengan apa yang saya ada sekarang ini
Harapan : menjadi seorang manusia yang sempurna..hahaha
saya ingin tag sape2 la yang rajin nak buat tag nie..jangan lupa letak gambar cam whoring anda...hehe
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