tomorrow is the last day of 2010..a new year is starting..have you guys list all your new year's resolutions?i have list is not actually for 2011 but also for the years to come..insyallah i will try to improve myself..for this entry, i will reflect on the moments that for me is memorable..i will start with number 1.
1. Spending Hari Raya with my family
last year raya, i did not get the chance to celebrate raya with my family. so,this year i went back Malaysia for my Summer Holidays. i spend time with my family the whole 3 months holiday.

Theme = Orange!
2. Irsyad's 3rd place in the Public Speaking National level
It was irsyad's second time in the competition..last year he got 5th but this year he was the first malay boy in malacca to won the top 3 prize in the competition. I was so proud of him!! keep it up my lil brother
3. Piala Dato' Seri Najib
This is the first time Irsyad took part in the competition and he won first place for the English Public Speaking..I am seriously proud of no picture of him because i wasn't there..
4. Sledging with friends!
It was my first time sledging and it was so much fun..can't for snow again..the uni was closed so, my friends and I took this opportunity to go sledging near haikal's house..

Although we did not win or even advance to second round, but i know my team is the best!

Me and few of my friends went on a 15days journey all over UK..the places we went were:
Stratford Upon Avon
7. Spent a day with my darlings Arina and Hilmi!!
The best day of my life...went to cheras,I much fun..i miss them so much!!
A few days ago, i went to Ashford with Niny,Haikal,noh,Muna and Shap...went there with one thing on my mind to buy a bag..but end up bought 1 clarks shoes, 1 lacoste shoes and 1 lacoste bag..i spent around 60pounds..and i finall got a lacoste shoes that i want so much! haha..memorable indeed..
9. Cambridge Trip
Went to Cambridge with my batchmates and lecturers. went for a tour of Cambridge and also punting..Cambridge is full with HOT GUYS!! hahaha...

10. The day I got my baby ~ Keyboard!
The keyboard is my advance present from Niny..haha..currently practising Viva La Vida by Coldplay..maybe when i am confident enough, i'll do a video of me playing the keyboard
my baby!! hehe