hey3...yesterday went to London for the Malaysian Pasar Malam...it was so packed with people,the food were yummy..and there's also some Malaysian Traditional Performances..hehe..went there with 7 of my friends..took the train from Canterbury at 9am and arrive in London around 11am..then we split up..niny and me went to Oxford Street while the others went to MSD to eat..Me and Niny went window shopping and niny bought some shirts for her brothers at Gap..Got 30% discount..huuu..around 3pm met up with my friends at Westminster Station coz Noh wants to take pictures in front of the Big Ben..Around 4pm arrived at Trafalgar Square and was shocked coz it was packed with local uk people..hehe..they were trying to buy food..i was there to take photos only but end up eating Rendang Kambing and Beriani coz so damn hungry and the smell was so nice! one plate was 5pounds..it was expensive but worth it..
took some of pictures of the event but not my friends..hehe..here are the pictures..

milo 2 kg = 10pounds..mahal2..

menikmati makanan Malaysia

the melon man

salah satu menu..gerai tk ingat..hehe..dapur dessert kot

ade local news tengah rakam owg masak satay

rojak buah

menu satay house

penat abang nih melayan customer

MAS katenye ade offer murah balik Malaysia..akan di survey

Gamelan dimainkan oleh locals

Rendang kambing and beriani Satay House..sedap!!

penat tunggu ayah beratur beli makanan

menu lagi

mat salleh makan and bersembang..
p/s: had a great time with my friends on the train..hehe
wah bestnye!
p/s=eh sy pon ade pose cam gambar pose Glee tuh..haha
arabella: mmg best..sesak wo nk beli mknn..hehe..glee sgt best! hehe..nk tgk gmbr awk..
Wow, you're abroad! Cool! I love pasar malams very much~ xD
I miss UK so much. I wish I can go back there anytime soon!
wow..pasar malam in london? Cool!!
erika: i love pasar malam also!
jady: i think i'm gonna miss it too when i come back to msia..huhu
sandra: it was so cool and cold also! haha
nampak event ni di TV3 news..best jg kalau ada kat sana.;)
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