Hey2...i was checking out the itunes app store and discovered an app which is iblogger..it is an app for anyone to update their blog and there's a service for blog host such as blogger and wordpress..kinda of impressed! Now,i dont need to on my laptop to updatr my blog..i can update on the go..it costs 0.59pence..am not sure how much it cost in Malaysia..it is an affordable app and can also upload photos..below is the test upload

Me and niny
P/s: super impressive!
walaupon ko agak cun ili,tp ak still suke awek sebelah ko tu la..cun sgt2..=D
hahaha.. tkpelah..at least ko ckp aku cun gak..jadilah..
kalau ko ade bubuh ape2 yg berkaitan bini ak sket ke jgn lupe link kt ak orait??haha
haha..orait! no problem!
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