yesterday was the first day of raya and i celebrated with my family at my aunt's house in shah alam who is my mum's sister..had so much fun meeting my cousins,meeting my uncles and aunts..and not to forget meeting my nieces and family wore are some of the pictures:

abg oji and aqif

najwa and adib
my veru cute nephew and niece!!

my family! orangey baby!

nini and me

p/s: some of the photos are from my camera and some from my cousins camera..5 more days to back to uk..=( havent started packing yet..
selamat hari raya, ilidina :)
cantik dan hensem semua berbaju oren..:)cun-cun.
meriahnya tengok gambar ni.ceria selalu.macam2 tema color family..syoknya raya.salam aidil fitri
kok: thanks! =) time kaseh! hehe..malu la saye..
nizam: salam aidilfitri..=)
Selamat Hari Raya! :D
hilda: thanks! =)
i have a close friend named Najwa and she does really look like the lil girl here XD
The babies look cute! Selamat hari raya anyway =D
merrinette: she's so cute..but dont like people hold her..hehe
camy: they are my light! love them!
slamat hari raya ili ~
duet raya pelissss~ kih3
meriahnye gambar raye
slamat hari raye!
najwa tu kan macam boo dalam cerita monster inc. huhu
gloxinia: tkde duit raye..haha
kusut: =)
nn: tau tkpe..geram je tgk!
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