hey3...today is the 27th day of puasa..time flies so fast..it has been 2 months i am back home and another 10 days i'll be going back to uk..huhu..there's a few more days to raya..this year i'll be celebrating raya with my family here in malaysia but last year is my first time celebrate raya without my family..last year,my flight to uk was on the 13th of september..a week before raya..the morning of raya i felt so homesick and feel like crying coz i miss my family..
the first of raya last year,me and my friends went to the house of a malaysian family to celebrate raya..luckily there are malaysians living in canterbury...then, we walked to John's (my lecturer) house to celebrate raya with all of my lecturers and friends..we did a potluck,so every house have to bring one meal for the gathering..here are some pictures of last year raya..

p/s: friends are your family when you are studying in overseas!
that is true, friends are all we got here. Happy celebrating Raya :)
chris: thanks! =)
Enjoy ur raya thr =)
the rest of us who can't be home this year, we'll make the best of it im sure. raya abroad isn't too bad lah (just that moment when you call home that's a little sad)
enjoy ur raya with family ya!
teringat zaman study di oversea dulu..4 tahun beraya di perantauan..kawan-kawan lah peneman :)
sufang: thanks!
kusut: will do enjoy..hehe..selamat hari raya to u..
FTN: mmg rakan2 la peneman..seronok gak raye kt oversea..hehe..msk2 tuk potluck..mengeratkn silaturrahim between friends
Happy RAya.... enjoy :)
k~^n: thanks!! =)
glagak 1st year
suke pic tiga dari bawah tu. 1malaysia! :)
joe: ahaks! hahaha...
nur.sa: mekaseh..mmg 1 malaysia!
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