This past one week I've been having my school experience at Hugh Christie Secondary School, Tonbridge..My lecturers are really funny because they picked a school that is 1 hour and 30 minutes from Canterbury. However, other than the 19 students who went to Tonbridge, they went to schools that is around 30minutes from Canterbury. urghhh! we the 19 students have to wake up early and got on the bus at 7 am and arrive at Tonbridge around 8.30am..It was a long journey and really2 tiring!
The students at Hugh Christie starts school at 8.30am till 3.15pm..They have 4 subjects a day..! period is around 1 hour 20 minutes..A mixed school and specialise at technology thus the name. They have subjects like Maths,English,Technology,Religious Studies,Tourism and Travel,Business,Photography,Arts and many more..The system is seriously different from the Malaysian system. The age range is 11 years old till 17 years old..they call it year 7-11..we call it form 1-5..
The one week in school, we have a tour guide each from each year so that everyone have the chance to go to every year and a teacher who is so weird! haha..
Day 1!
I went to the year 11 and my guide was a girl named Chloe. I think she is a smart student because she had finished all her coursework and exams. so she goes to school just to help out the teachers, see her friends. I went to the Travel and Tourism class, Business class, and Science class..The year 11 students is equivalent to the form 5 students in Malaysia except they are a year younger.

Students' Artwork

with Aisyah and Ema in the Photography classroom

me on the way back to canterbury..Tiring first day!
p/s: will continue my story at the school. Unfotunately now I have to do my Shakespeare assignment..huhu..@_@
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