tiba-tiba je ade idea nak menulis..haha..tadi tgk2 gambar dalam hardisk and tengok2 posts kt innit pasal travel..so,entry kali nie pasal Attractions and Places in London that i have been...London is 2 hours away from canterbury by bus..aku n kawan2 tak la selalu g sane tp bile de nk beli souvenir or bile boxing day tuh sgt shok ah kalo shopping..haha..last boxing day aku g window shopping je..nggak ade ongkosnye..boxing day is the day after christmas..kalo kat europe boxing day tuh sale gle2 ah..macam Mega Sale kt Malaysia..semue branded stuff sale..GAP,Levis,Clarks,Nike, and macam2 lagi..yg paling best kalo g shopping kt London is kat Oxford Street...memang rambang mate la..hehe..tp aku pegi tengok2 je coz memang nak kene save duit..t takde duit nak makan plak..so far,takde gambar Oxford Street coz kat situ sgt sesak and tk berpeluang nak keluar kan camera ku..Here are a few pictures of the attractions in London..

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

London Dungeon

Arsenal Stadium

Chelsea Stadium

Royal Albert Hall

Covent Garden

Big Ben
London Eye

London Aquarium Sea Life (macam aquaria..)

Buckingham Palace
Dropping by ere. =). Smiles
jLean: thanks! =)
so envy.....
wah!! bestnye..nak p jugak..huhu
kelly: =)
Cadlyn: mari2 dtg..hehe
ahoy, da lama tak ke dondon =D
hi Ilidina..balik Mesia ek hari tu masa kami datang?.kitorang tak sempat pon jenjalan kat Canterbury tu..sebab jadual pack sgt.. :( harap2 one day dapat kesana lagi..
faten: t kte g london k?jalan2..kalo de duit..haha
arabella: yup2..skrg kt msia lg..jeput la dtg lagi k?=)
ye! kalau ada DUIT! huhuhuhu~ =.="
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