Innit by nuffnang is a place where i would post my new entries for other nuffnangers to read and,to post in Innit you first have to be a registered nuffnangers and has the status of Gliteratti..on the homepage of Innit,i can view other nuffnangers entries and there's also categories such as personal,entertainment,happenings,lifestyle and few others..
you can retrieve the latest entry from your blog to add on ur innit account..this is a good place to blog walk and to read other people's entry..

This is half of Innit homepage..
the best thing about innit is that you can rate other nuffnangers,if you like post u nang it and if you don't like it you can dang it..i haven't dang others' entries yet..haha..well hopefully i dont have to...
the other money generator is ChurpChurp..if you have a twitter or facebook,churpchurp can help you earn a few extra money..i just been chosen for a campaign by Celcom..i have to wait a couple of days before i've been chosen for any campaign..the campaign is about Glee Call Me anyone,who read this,you can follow me on twitter at
i think this is all of my insights on Innit and ChurpChurp will update more on new things i have discovered..
p/s: the time of this entry published is supposed to be at 7.40pm Malaysia Time..however,i have not change the time for my laptop from uk time to Malaysia time..that's why the time is 12.40pm..
oh tq..maybe in future i'll put that gajet
ur welcome..=)
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