Since tomorrow is Malaysia 53rd Independence Day,i would like to share my experience during the Merdeka Day in 2007..that year, it was the 50th Independence Day..the big 50! the celebration was at the Dataran Merdeka and at night there's anoother celebration at the Stadium yeahh,it was my first year at IPBA and a batch of trainee teachers from each IPG has to participate in this,that year,my batch was chosen for the event and also being the group leaders..If i'm not mistaken there were about 80 groups of 25 people in one group was D1..the first level on the right side of the group mates were from I4P which is Institut Perguruan Pesekutuan Pulau Pinang and some from Institut Perguruan Teknik..the first day was kinda of scary being a leader to a group of strangers or people that i never used to..but they were all a great bunch of people..
the morning at Dataran Merdeka..rehearsals..
My group..D1
The rehearsals took place as early as 6am in the morning..all of us took the bus to Dataran Merdeka from Putrajaya where we were staying for 10days..and it ends at around 12pm..then at around 4pm or 5pm we started our rehersals for the night event at Stadium Merdeka till 12 am at night..we reached Putrajaya around 1am..then i shower,and straight to sleep..then at 4am we woke up and the routine continues till the 31st of August from the 22nd of august i think..

we were asked to be the people that have to make the SELAMAT DATANG,THANK YOU stuff at the stage..the ones that sang songs,wave flags,changes the flags was tiring and very tense..coz if one of us did wrong,all of us will have to pay his/her mistakes..on the 31st of August we were asked to wear a kind of batik clothing..the girls had to wear Baju Kebarung and it was so oversized and hideous..the guys had to wear a Batik shirt..

by the end of the 10 days,we were all sunburnt,tired,and glad that it was over..for me,it was a great experience to participate in a nation event and i get to meet new friends along the way..the memories of running to the bus because all of us dont want to stand,rushing to have our meal,being yelled at by Pak Ngah and many was a great memories to share with others..
me and 1 of my group mate

I was in the 49th Hari kemerdekaan choir team too! In Kuching! LOL
jfook: really? was ur experience?
erk? pengalaman menarik but at the same time ingin ku nyahkan dari kotak ingatan aku. deng.
ana: haha...
nice photos! hope you enjoyed yourself!!
prakash: thanks! i did enjoyed myself but at the end of it all..hehe
wow that is really awesome to be a part of such huge event!
hilda milda:yeah pretty awesome..=)
selamat hai merdeka ..=)
edda: selamat hari merdeka to u too! =)
cool....happy merdeka day!;-)
wow!! you are part of the ceremony!! cool!! ^^
couldn't agree more with ana's statement above. huhuhu =.="
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