Sunday, February 27, 2011


Woke up early today because have to start on my assignments which have to be submitted on the 11th March 2011..I am currently taking a break and browsing through the photos I took yesterday at the Strode Park Malaysian Day. Seriously I suck at taking photos! huuuu.. I have a DSLR but am not using it fully thus the photos yesterday were mostly not that great! huaaaaaaaa....i tried every setting I remember and before going to the event, I read my books on photographing with low lighting but still it came out like that..urghhhhh...a short entry because I have no mood in writing a lot right now..will write about the Malaysian Day later...


~aisya~ said...

let me be ur 'model'..confirm cun gbr2 semua.. :p

♥ MiSs WuNny ♥ said... patient ya! tagging u